Software Projects
Here you can find the home pages for the software projects I have worked on that I have created, maintain or contributed to
Founded projects
Personal GitHub
Here I have smaller projects which are either less academic, more random, incomplete or in-my-eyes less impressive, or arbitrary than my major projects, so they will be highly experimental or so unusual it will be rare that someone wishes to reproduce the same scenario. Proceed with caution.
Siaranite Solutions
Here I have my more professional and major projects which may be submodules of collective projects, such as the case of Medli and the Siaranite Disk File System. These projects are made to strict outlined specification and are of a stable nature.
Medli Operating System
Medli is an operating system I have been writing in C# off-and-on for 10 years. It implements a C# compiler that converts .NET common intermediate language code into pure x86 machine code, allowing applications written in C# to be ran on bare-metal, removing the middle man bloat of Windows, macOS and Linux
Secret Santa.js
For Christmas 2021, I wrote a simple secret santa app for use by me and my friends as we had difficulty drawing names as COVID-19 was very bad at the time. Feel free to adapt the code for your own use.
This Website
You can find this website’s source repository at GitHub. I use Jekyll with the remote-theme plugin that uses the upstream Minima theme, allowing me to use a dark skin for the site.
Untitled Document 1*/UD1Sodas
UD! is a team of developers comprised of myself and other students based at De Montfort University. As part of our Agile Team Development module, we are creating a ASP.NET-based webstore front-end and RDBMS SQL backend written in C#, for a company that sells imported drinks to the general public. This system will be allowing the placing of items in a basket alongside CRUD operations being performed on various entites in different Entity Relationships, such as suppliers, items, employees, customers and orders.
Cosmos - C# Open Source Managed Operating System
I have contributed in the role of core team member to the C# open source managed operating system ‘Cosmos’, which provides a toolkit and migration method for developers to create low-level bare-metal operating systems from .NET into machine code running on x86 and other platforms.
Medli has been my implementation of the project to create a new operating system environments tuned specifically for cross-platform architecture communication and messaging.
Aura Team and Aura Operating System
Myself and the core team of Aura Systems have contributed to Cosmos in collaboration to enrich the features provided by Cosmos with implementing network protocols and executable formats with system calls.